I recently bought a new computer and needed to connect it to GitHub. It’s been a while since I had done this so it took me a few hours to get it done. I’m wirting it done so you and I don’t have to spend countless hours of research next time.

Steps To Generate a New SSH Key

  1. Open Git Bash
  2. Paste the following command: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C “youremail@domain.com”
    • Replace the generic email with the email address you have in GitHub
  3. Click enter to save key in suggested location
  4. Create a passphrase and enter it
    • write it down somewhere safe that you can access
    • you will be asked to type it in twice
  5. Then run this command: clip < ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub
    • The system will copy the SSH key to your clipboard to then copy in Github

Steps To Add New Key To GitHub

  1. Add the new SSH key to GitHub by going to your settings > SSH Keys & GPG Keys > New SSH Key
  2. Add a relevant title for SSH key… example “Personal Laptop 2024”
  3. Paste the SSH in the “Key” section

The device should now be added and connected to GitHub!

