“What I learned from Nicolas Cole on Growing an Audience by Writing”
Video: The Best Digital Writing Platforms To Build An Audience in 2024 [8 min video]
Write on the same topic revolving on these three vertical topics:
- Niche Topic: Ex. Digital writing, Ghost writing
- Universal Topic: Ex. How to use writing as a vehicle to improve on yourself (personal development)
- Personal Topic: Ex. How he thinks of writing as a video game bc he liked that as a kid Note to self: write your own once you write a bit more to determine your topic
10 magical words to write about a topic and discover if this is a topic that you can stick with:
- Tips
- Stats
- Steps
- Lessons
- Benefits
- Reasons
- Mistakes
- Examples
- Questions
- Personal Stories
Top sites to publish your writing instead of a blog to grow your audience:
- X
- Medium
- Quora
Cheers, Gaby